Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > somethings not right

somethings not right

21 14:42:22


There is definitely something not quite right with my GP.  Normally she would run a mile when you approach her however today she isn't.I think she may have hurt her leg as it is as if she wants to run but can't.  What is also quite strange is the rabbit she lives with is being very cuddly to her as if she senses something is wrong(she may be psychic!!!)
I can't see anything obvious.  Please advise me as I won't be able to sleep tonight with worrying!!

Hello Becky and thanks for the question,

What makes you think that it is a hurt leg? Is she showing signs of "favoring" her other limbs and avoiding the use of one leg? If she is lethargic or has changed her mood as of late, she may be sick. Laziness and modd changes are key symptoms. How is her stool and urine? Check these for thickness (in the case of should be like a jelly bean) and blood (pink urine). If these symptoms are present and last more than 24 hours, you should see a vet asap.

I hope that your GP has shown improvement. I also apologize for taking so long to get to you. I have been busy this week.

Thanks and good luck,