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broken tooth

21 14:24:20

Piggy (mandarin) cause he is orange, broke his tooth 2 days ago. Is this cause for concern. I have been crushing his food small for him. Mandarin is almost 5 years old and he is the only pig. Noticed he didnt eat his carrot and this is not like him, so I broke it up into little peices he was good to go.  Should I worry......thanks for any help

Hello Jodia,

If it's a small break, keep a close eye on it, give him hay and encourage him to eat it and his teeth should even out soon. If it's large and his teeth are now very uneven, he should see a vet to have the other filed or trimmed so you can avoid permanant damage to his jaw. If he's not able to eat properly, it may be good to have them trimmed. Chewing solid foods (like hay, carrots, and pellets) is what helps wear his teeth down so if he can't eat them properly, they likely won't even out. Good luck.
