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How to tell if the guinea pig is pregnant?

21 14:42:25

We bought a female guinea pig about 2 mo ago and we already have what we thought was a female pig.  the other day we noticed that the new pig's belly was a lot larger than before and then today its even bigger and she acts like she has a hard time moving her back legs.  We dont know if she's pregnant or if somethings wrong with her and none of the vet's where we live seen to know anything about guinea pigs.  Her eating and drinkin habits are normal.

Laura --

It sounds as though your guinea pig may be pregnant.  At this stage, there's only one way to tell for sure -- you'll have to watch carefully, and if you notice "kickers" (which is just what it sounds like -- the babies kicking from inside), then she's pregnant.

Also, if she is pregnant, I wouldn't doubt the gender of your existing guinea pig.  She was probably pregnant when you got her -- guinea pigs have a 10 week gestation period.  If she's not pregnant (i.e. you don't notice kickers within a week or two and the limping is not getting better), then I would take her to the vet.

Hope this information is helpful!  If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me.  Good luck!
