Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > behavior of a new pig

behavior of a new pig

21 14:42:25

Hi, I have recently bought a young guinea pig and was wondering what some of its behavior meant. Mostly when it is in its cage it will sit quietly in the corner until I rustle the hay bag then it starts to 'popcorn'. But when I take him out of the cage to handle him, it will start chirping, mostly quiet, but sometimes louder even if nothing has happened to startle it, I try petting it behind the ears and round the front (because I read they dont like there bums touched)but it dosent seem to settle and will vibrate. Also I think it is the only pig in the world that is not bribed with food, do you think it just needs a bit more time to get used to me?

Hi Laura

The short answer to your question is yes. The vibrating is nothing to worry about, indeed, it is a sign of contentment. Some pigs can't be bribed by food but will eat when you are not watching. The chirping is also a good noise. In fact, there is virtually no piggy noises that are bad.

Hope this helps
