Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My guinea pig might have a cold.....

My guinea pig might have a cold.....

21 14:41:28

Hi Lorena, thank you for your response.  I did bring Pebbles to the vet today.  He said she has an upper respitory infection.  He prescribed Panmycin aka Tetracycline.  I've read some places that this medicine can be toxic.  Do you know better?  Please help, she already has had one dose.  The vet said I can lower her dosage to .1 if I wanted to.

Thanks for all your help!!  Tara

Followup To
Question -
Hi Lorena, I just bought 2 guinea pigs yesterday.  They both are 4 months old.  My one guinea pig doesn't eat or drink as much as the other one and she keeps sneezing.  This morning when they were out playing I picked some dried mucas (if you will) from the outside of her nose.  She is playful and likes to make noise, but she doesn't come out of her igloo as much as the other you think she has a cold?  Is there something that I can do?  Thanks so much!!!
Answer -
Tara --

It does sound as though your guinea pig is unhealthy.  It's possible that she has a cold, although there are a host of other illnesses that could cause nasal discharge, as well.  I would take her to the as soon as you can, since respiratory illnesses can kill a guinea pig.  Also, I would check with wherever you bought her and find out if they will reimburse you for the vet expenses, since you bought an unhealthy animal from them.  

As for the hiding, that's actually pretty normal for guinea pigs.  Remember, in the wild, they are prey animals, so they will hide from you until they are sure you don't want to eat them.

Hope this is helpful.  If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me.  Good luck!


Tara --

Although I am not a vet, and not really qualified to give advice in regards to prescription medication, I have never had a problem with a guinea pig that was prescribed to take tetrycycline by a vet.  I would not give it to them without a vet's knowledge, but as long as a vet has prescribed it, you may give it to them without too much concern.  If you are still concerned, you may knock it down to the smaller dosage your vet recommended.

Incidentally, I think it is oxytetracycline that you should be concerned about the toxicity of.  It is an entirely different medication, which can be hazardous to guinea pigs.  Hope this is helpful.  Good luck!
