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cage flooring outside

21 14:41:08

I am building an outdoor hutch for my two rabbits and my long haired g pig.  They will be housed in separate sections of the hutch.  My question is regarding the flooring.  Can I use 1/2 inch wire screening or do I have to have a solid fooring with bedding?  Will the wire damage his feet?  Are there any concerns about an outdoor g pig.  We live in the dry part of the northwest.  Our winters get to be below freezing sometimes, not often however. Summers are hot but the hutch will be well shaded and we give them frozen water bottles and watch them carefully.  

Thanks for your time!

Jen --

Good questions.  I am glad that you are concerned about the welfare of your guinea pig.  For a guinea pig, it is very important to have a solid floor to the cage.  Yes, it makes cleaning much more difficult, but guinea pigs (especially with 1/2 in. wire) could fall through and break a leg or get bumblefoot from walking on the wires.  You should definitely keep a wire bottom.  Now, about the outside temperature.  It is not a good idea to leave a guinea pig outside when the temperature is much below 60 degrees.  Here is why: guinea pigs are a tropical animal, by nature, and their bodies are not equipped to handle chilly temperatures.  They can get sick very easily and die.  The summer plans you have are fine, especially since you plan on using ice bottles, but for winter you will really need to have him inside.

Hope this is helpful.  If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me.  Good luck!
