Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My guinea pig is fidgetiy and jerky I am really concerned she hasnt been like this

My guinea pig is fidgetiy and jerky I am really concerned she hasnt been like this

21 14:17:27

I am asking about my guinea pig. she is jerky and kind of scheemish with me holding her right now, she don't ack the same as she usually does.  I did give her some lettuce cause the paper that they gave me when I bought her said , that they ate lettuce, potatoes, carrots and fruit and etc.  so I gave her some of the lettuce that is shreadded in the bad and some potatoes and carrots and now a week later she isn't just right??? I gave her some dried fruit too I forgot, is this wrong could I have given her something bad??? Please email me ASAP


As far as I am concerned you havent given your pig anything wrong. However, lots of lettuce can cause an upset stomache so it might be that your pig is fidgety because she needs the loo.

If you are really concerned, get a vet check her out. If there are any other factors you think of please let me know.
