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guinea pig constipation?

21 13:50:29

Hey, i have a 2 and a half year old guinea pig and recently i have noticed that whenever she poops, she makes a small squeaking sound. She has never made this sound when she was younger so is there something seriously wrong with her, or is she fine? Also, we usually let her out and recently, when we try to let her out, she doesn't want to come out anymore. Anyone help would be appreciated, thanks.

Hello Andy.
I suspect something sinister. My guinea pigs Rhinestone and Cappaccino used to squeak when they peed and they both ended up having cancer and passing, one naturrally (quite gruesome and painful) and one was put down (sad and heartbreaking, but humane). I say take this girly girl to the vet to check for an infection, hope that this is just a urinary tract infection or a urine scald that passed to the anus, and also get some advice on what to do next. Depending on the vet, they might call for an ultrasound of her tummy, dont freak out as the hair grows back in a few weeks.