Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > 2 quick questions

2 quick questions

21 14:04:59

QUESTION: Hi,am new to having piggies,I have 4boys together they are about 11weeks now,they were all bought from the same litter at the same time.
1 has now taken to spending/sleeping on his own in a play tube instead of in the cocoon with the others.I am worried why he is alone.All though they doall play & eat fine together.
2nd. Most of  them have little nicks in their ears,am worried they have been fighting as I do see rough& tumble sometimes?.
Also 1 keeps nipping (drawing blood) us,often when we are petting/handling him & wriggles terrible. I was told piggies never bite!
Help please, CHeers Bev


There's a possibility that all animals with teeth will bite you. Guinea pigs are not vicious creatures, but if a piggy is hungry or you touch him somewhere he doesn't like, he may well have a nibble. Try getting the biter out just after he's been fed for an examination - it could be that he's unwell (an injury, sore spot or lump) and that it hurts him to be touched, so give him a good once-over. Guinea pigs can have a grumpy streak so it could be that you're just getting him out when he's having a bad day. One of my guinea pigs will sometimes shake his head to flick my hand off when I'm stroking him, whilst usually he'll stretch out and enjoy it!

Try not to worry about the nicks in their ears, just make sure none of them have any scratches or bitemarks elsewhere. All piggies that live in close proximity will ocasionally have a scrap - usually over food. As long as no blood is drawn and no one piggy seems to be being picked on more than the others, it's fine.

Does the one piggy who hangs out in the tube seem generally happy and in good health? My boys do not always snuggle up to sleep together, but it does seem strange that one is isolated from the other three during the day. Are you 100% sure that all three are boys? It could be that this one is a female, and is trying to escape from being constantly mated with. By 11 weeks it will be easy to tell the sex of a guinea pig - so compare this one with the others and if you notice a difference, that will explain the problem. If it is a female, it will be best to keep her in another cage, but where she can still see the others so they can chatter. It could also be that this one is the least dominant male - so he is simply taking some time out from the rough and tumble.

I hope this helps and if you have any other questions, just ask!


PS - Do you find in general that keeping four boys together works? I am considering getting two companions for my 14-month and 5-month old boars, but have never before kept males in a larger group than two. I don't want my boys to suffer from the introduction :o)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Jenny,thanks for that reply its put my mind at ease,the boy sleep alone has been back with the others since I wrote so looks like all is well.They are all defoboys can see their bits.
As for your question,about boys in groups,I ended up with 4,as the manager of the store told me they only sell them in 2's as they like company & are happy to live in packs,as they would in the wild,so I had my eye on 3,she said to keep to even nos not odd,in case they pair off & leave 1 out,so said better have 4.
I have had them 5weeks now so far they all seem happy together.
She did advise not to mix from diffferent liters,so I  dont really know how if you are introducing new 1's to each other later in life how they would be.
Good luck.....

Hi Bev,

Glad he seems to be back in the group again :o)

Thanks for the advice ... I had to introduce the younger one to the older one as unfortunately the older one's brother died, so I know how to do it ... just wondering how they mix when there's four. I don't want there to be two battling teams and lots of fighting!