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Bleeding guniea pig

21 14:25:19

Hi, we bought our 3rd guniea pig in 8 years the other day. The pet shop was not helpful on the sex at all of the young cavy and I am really having a hard time figuring it out. It is about 4 months old but today we found small amounts of blood in the shavings. Afer careful inspection of her we found nothing. My daughter a few hours later noticed it coming from her private area.
I checked, wiped it and it seems fine but after I changed the shavings there is still more coming out once in a while. It seems restless but other than that ok. Could it be pregnant and going into labor or loosing it's baby's?

I have searched the internet and cannot find any information on why it would be bleeding?
Please help!

this is a good website to look at pictures of how to determine the sex of guinea pigs.

As for the bleeding from her private area. I would take your guinea pig to a vet asap. She could have a urinary tract infection or bladder stones. If you determine that it's a girl it could be the things I listed above as well as maybe a miscarriage, but if a guinea pig is going into labor they wouldn't move around so much and they would be laying down preparing for birth. Something is certainly wrong though if she is constantly bleeding and I think she should go to a vet asap, or you could opt for taking her back to the pet store and getting another guinea pig instead. I hope this helps.