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My sow is Prego

21 14:47:06

Hey there, my female (Dora) is pregnant and im not sure when she is going to give birth... She has been showing signs for quite a while and has had two large lumps in her abdomin for a while...just wondering if there is a way to maybe roughly guess when she will deliver...also any foods which will make her feel great...or are reccomended outside the regular Pellets Lettuce Hay Carrots and Apples i give her...THANKS!


Hi,There is a way to guess when Dora might have them. As she gets further into pregnancy she should be taking on a shape like a football. The average gestion period is 68 days.You should start feeling foetuses and she should start gaining more and more weight, half of her weight is from the babies.Try to feel "Kickers" {which would be kicking that you can see through the guinea pig's sides}, you will have about 3-4 weeks to go.Don't handle her to much because you could upset the birth or the babies.If you want to turn her over carefully and put your ear up against her stomach, you should hear a grinding noise.That means that Dora only has a few weeks to go.
  You should feed her oranges slices since they need that extra vitamin C.Make sure that you feed her lots of oranges slices and fruits.Good Luck!!