Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > is it warm enough for them to go outside?

is it warm enough for them to go outside?

21 14:17:43

hi jules,
i dont know whether to put my guinea pigs outside or to keep them in. because it has been so warm outside i thought they might be ok, but at night it gets colder and i dont want them to freeze (we do put a ground sheet over them). but they are in the conservatory at the moment and it is quite hot, and as they have long coats i dont want them to overheat.
where do you think i should put them?

Hi Catherine,

Guinea Pigs are comfortable at temperatures of 15c - 22.5c (59f - 72f) on or two under or over that wont make a difference to them. Anything 10c (50f) and under is to cold for a Guinea Pig and anything above 24c (75f) is far to hot for a Guinea Pig. Now that you have the temperatures that they feel comfortable at you can make the best choice to where to put them.

Take care now,