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Guinea pig squeaking

21 13:39:35

I have a guinea pig that is about 4 months old. He was taken to soon from his mum but learned everything quickly from my other pig. He has been squeaking since I got him but after a certain pitch it stops and it is just air. He has been doing this since I got him at about a month old. Could it be because he was taken too early? Or is it something with his vocal cords? I have had many pigs and none have ever done this before. He is completely healthy and try's his hardest to squeak with my other pig but he just can get that really high pitched one.

It's not likely there is anything wrong with him. Each pig is an individual and as such they don't always share the same qualities. You don't mention how old he was when taken from his mother but a baby pig can survive without incident when weaned as young as two weeks of age.

This is not a result of weaning him from his mother too soon. These little creatures live in the now. They don't show any signs of carrying a memory, good or bad, of their previous life. They just live for today.

As you say, he is completely healthy, so not having the same pitch as another pig is not an issue that impacts him in any way. He is okay and has no worries as far as he is concerned. So try to stop measuring him by his cagemate. He's doing just fine.