Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > which veggies to feed?

which veggies to feed?

21 14:37:28

I am seeing a lot of differing opinions on which veggies to feed my piggy.  A lot of people say that the best veggies are the ones with good calcium to phosphate ratios, like collards and mustard spinach, or kale or cabbage.  On other sites, I am told that these are bad for my piggy due to oxolates.  Some say carrots are bad, while others say they're fine.  Apparently all veggies are good or bad, depending on who I listen to. Who do I listen to?  Any help would be appreciated.

Hi Chip

Any veggies are ok in moderation.

Too much watery veg such as lettuce or cucumber causes diorreah. Too much cabbage causes constipation, and it is true that too many carrots can overload the pig with beta carotine.

The simplest and best advice is to give a wide variety of veg in small helpings. Same applies to fruit.

Hope that helps
