Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > How long does it take for a guinea pig to get used to you?

How long does it take for a guinea pig to get used to you?

21 14:33:55

My husband and I just got our boys each a guinea pig, we got them on Saturday, today is Thursday and they are still acting afraid of us, how long does it take for them to warm up to us? and should we be watching for any unusual behavior?, or do they give us signals?

it is perfectly normal, Gp's are normally scared and if they are babies, they will be more scared. But they normally will warm up to you when you handle them and feed them and let them know that they can trust you,There is no set amount of time. Just wenever they feel comfortable with you. If they start acting weird, or sick, you will be able to tell. But they should be fine. You can get a guinea pig book from the pet store, that will help you. Good luck and keep me updated if you have any more questions. Okay? Thanks