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my guinea pigs eyes

21 14:13:03

Hi i just bought a guinea pig a couple of days ago and as i brought him home i noticed that one of his eyes was bigger than the other, alot bigger. so was he born like that or is their somthing wrong with him? idk please help.


Your Guinea Pig could have what is know as Micropthalmia. It is something that some Guinea Pigs are born with. Micropthalmia is a congenital condition where the eye is either very small or non-existent, rendering the guinea pig blind. So he may have micropthalmia with his one small eye.

I am not sure what else it could be but just to be on the safe side so that your guinea pig isn't sick or something take him to see a vet and talk to the vet about it. Just to make sure everything is alright and that it is just something he was born with and not because he was injured or something.

I hope this helps,
  Take care,  