Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > can my guinea pig who just had a c-section and lost all four babies be depressed?

can my guinea pig who just had a c-section and lost all four babies be depressed?

21 13:45:08

I have a 2 year old guinea pig who by accident (we thought the new guinea pig we bought was female when it was male) got pregnant, we did lots of reseach on the internet and watched her closely. Yesterday we rushed her to our vet cause we relized that she she was stressed and was not eating. we later found out that she was in labour and had been trying to push the babies out for a cupple days. she had an emergancy c-section and after 45 minutes of trying to reviving the babies we lost all four....the vet sent us home with 3 doses of medicine and instutions to give it with strawberry yogurt and orange juice (medicine once a day the rest 3-4 times daily) she now is not eating or drinking alot and is chewing the top of her leg (not where the incinsion is)can this be a result of depression, stress, pain??

No this is not depression. Many guinea pigs do not do well with C sections. By the time the sow needs a C section the babies have already died. She is probably still trying to get over the anesthesia and she's in pain. Guinea pigs don't have the capacity to feel sorry for themselves, nor do they mourn the loss of a litter as some other animals.

Her chewing at the leg is an indication she's having pain.  This was a very traumatic experience she went through and she will need some time to get over it. Don't handle her until she is much better. It's too uncomfortable and painful for her to be handled right now.