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My Guinea pigs toe

21 13:50:46

Hello, My male guinea pig Ginge is currently on antibiotics for a toe that is very swollen. This is the 3rd time he has tried this course of treatment. The vet told me if this time it didnt work the toe would have to come off (as is it very painful and hard feeling, so he tolds no hopes for saving it, also because guinea pig toes are very small.) I'm wondering how guinea pigs do with missing a toe? It is his inner toe on his right foot. Is there anything I can do to make life easier for him? I have been not letting him run around as much when I put them in a pen outside. Will it affect him exercising?


Hello Katie!
Well I know that surgery can come as a shocker for any mum or dad of a pet, I was terrified when I found out my giunea pig had a serious inner infection that took her left eye. Your concerns are a good thing.
I did some research and one bitty toe will not do anything serious. Your piggy might be a little depressed so be on the lookout for anorexia or barbering (eating its own fur off). His balance might be a little off but once healed up he will be back to being regular old Ginge!