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HELP! Guniea Pig Swollan Foot

21 14:04:13

My guinea pig got has a 2 level cage which she loves, however yesterday she got her foot cought in the cgae on the way going down (I do not know how she did this).  When I got her free her foot looked fine and she was going up and down like crazy.
This morning when I went to check on her I saw that her foot is swallon and she isnt walking on it. She is only staying on the top level and she IS eating and drinking like normal.  She IS also walking but not on that foot.
What should I do?

Hi Gina

You will need to make sure that she has access to water and food every day and that she will be able to get to it

Also unless the swelling goes down
You will have to see a vet to get it checked out as it may become infected so always keep it clean and keep your Guinea Pig clean to

All the best and good luck