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introducing two females

21 14:17:09

i have two female guinea pigs in seperate cages i would like to put them together but am very nervouse about the introduction. i tried once before and there was some nipping and leaping head rasing etc. i got so nervouse that i had to seperate the two. one is 3-4 months the other is about4-5 months. are they two close in age to put together or should i try again? i have pushed the two cages together and they go crazy trying to get to each other what do you think???

Hello Ashley,

A bit of bickering at first is normal. They have to establish dominance. As long as no blood was drawn, they will likely be ok together. Introduce them on neutral territory with lots of fresh veggies scattered around. Have a thick towel nearby in case you have to seperate them. Plan this for a day when you can be with them all day so if once they are back in a joined cage for a while they start fighting you will be there to stop them. Take things slow and let them work things out and they should do fine together. Good luck!
