Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > pregnet


21 14:17:30

i was just wondering how many guinea pigs do mother guinea pig give birth to at one time. Is it just one or multiple births. thank you  


Guinea Pig mothers have any where from 1 to 8 pups (babies) though on average they only have 2 to 4 pups. Though they can have a large litter or a small litter of just one. It depends on how long the mother is pregnant really, as they are pregnant for 63 to 73 days, if it is a large litter she'll have them at 63 days or a day or so after reaching the 63 day mark. If it is a small litter then she is pregnant for close to the 73 days mark. And if It is an average litter she'll be pregnant for somewhere between the shortest mark and the longest mark.

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