Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > How can i know when she is getting ready to deliver?

How can i know when she is getting ready to deliver?

21 13:47:28

First question & second question
i thought my piggy was pregnant:9\11\11
lol my piggy is pregnant!:9\27\11
answers provided by Pat VanAllen

it was in the second question that you name was mentioned so I thought my third question should go
to you...

I purchased Daizee(american agouti) and Roger(us teddy)on 5\12\11@7wks of age(both). I suspect she became pregnant somewhere in between 7\12\11-7\20\11 because she started not share with Roger. It was like she was fighting him and kicking him all the time away from the food bowl or water bottle. So I assumed she was pregnant & kept them separate even at playtime.

So now it's the 30th & even though I have been able to stay home these last days i would like to be here for the birth. Only I can't tell if she is close to giving birth or not. I have felt the cange postions in the last week. I can the babys face close to her bottom w\feet kicking in her ribs.

Also the baby feels as big as a hamster. The baby barely moves these last few days. So does this mean that she will still have her baby on the early dawn of tomorrow? Or late tonight? Oh yeah and I almost forgot that she has kinda slowed up on eating in this past week. Is this a sign? Should i leave her be & wait for the first to come?

Sorry for all the silly questions I just wanna make sure everything goes right & I don't want to miss a thing. Hope i gave you enough details and look forward to your helpful response...

No its okay, your writing was a little difficult to understand but I'll answer as best I can.

You cannot be dead certain of the birth date, the best indicator that it will be within two days is when the pelvic bones seperate.

a pups size varies completly depending on the age of the mother, diet of the mother and size of the litter, so size does not really indicate when she is due.