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Pair of Guinea Pigs

21 13:44:53

We had a pair of male guinea pigs about 2 years of age they live in separate cages. This morning we found one had died. We don't know why. They were playmates. Now I am concerned about the second one. What should we do and what should we watch for?

Although the one left behind may miss his friend he will adjust very quickly. Sudden unexpected and unexplained death in cavies happens to everyone. It's easier when you know they are old and you anticipate their departure, but when they leave us unexpectedly it's always harder.

If you want to get another be sure it's a male and try to get a very young one. The older pig will accept him without any territorial issues and they will get along fine.

I'm so sorry for your loss. Loving pets is a special thing and losing them is always painful.