Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > grooming


21 14:18:53

I have a 3yr old? cavey pig. I just got him a month ago. He/she is living in the middle of my living room in a cage appx., 2x3x4?  Anyways, How do I BATHE this poor thing.  Appetite great! TALKS all the time! But this LONG HAIR!! Its bad underneath from poop and pee!  HELP!!

Hello Peaches,

If you can find rabbit or Guinea Pig (cavy) shampoo at the pet store, that is best. If not Johnston's baby shampoo works ok too (just don't bathe too often or you'll dry out his/her skin). Fill a tub, sink, or basin with an inch or 2 of lukewarm water. Hold the piggy's front feet in your hand so his/her face will be out of the water. Wash the piggy with the free hand and rinse thoroughly. If the weather is warm, towel drying him/her should be sufficent. If it's cooler, you may blow dry him/her. Use the lowest setting and hover your hand over your pig between him/her and the dryer as you dry that way, you will know if it's too hot. You may also trim his/her hair up a bit to keep it from getting so messy. I hope this has helped a bit. Good luck and congratulations on your new piggy!


Since you are a bit confused about gender I'm going to send you a link that may help a bit.