Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Pregnant Pig??

Pregnant Pig??

21 14:18:53

QUESTION: I think that my sons pig might be expecting, although we have only bought our new piggy friend about a month ago.  How soon and quick will she start to show?  She look slightly bigger in the rump but I am still not she is she is just growing more?  Thanks for the time and help.

ANSWER: A guinea pig starts to show signs of pregnany four weeks into the pregnancy and their bellies grow bigger with each week. Do you know if she's been around males before you got her? She could be pregnant if she's been around other males, but guinea pigs also do get a plump belly as they get older as well. It's kind of a 50/50 chance she could be pregnant. Guinea pigs that are pregnant eat more and sleep more and they can have mood swings as well.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the advice.  We actually have had Ginny (female in question) for a couple months, my 6 year old son wanted to get her a companion and pick one out and came home with HIM?  That was a month ago so that is why I am unsure if she is baby plump or just plump 4 weeks into this.  She has always been very sweet and more so lately.  Thanks for the help and answers I really appreciate it.  

Is the female still with the male? If so than I would say she is pregant. I want to give you a link on birthing and labor of guinea pigs, just to get you prepared in case she really is pregnant. If she's been with the male this whole time more than likely she is.