Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Wont drink or eat

Wont drink or eat

21 14:19:33

That is what the store told us but we personally think he is a few weeks. Do you think Companionship would help?
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My sister recently got a few day old guniea pig from Pet Smart. He has eaten some of his apples, and gnawed through a few chew sticks. But he will not eat out of his food dish, or hay ball. He also will not drink out of his bowl or bottle that we bought him. We dont whats wrong, but I have gotten some water in him by bottle feeding, and food by hand. We were told he was immediatly seperated from his mama and placed in with the males.
If he is seriously only a few days old, he will not make it. Pigs must stay with mom for 3 weeks to breast feed to survive. After that, stores have to hold the pig for a week before selling to make sure they are not sick. You need to go to a vet to get formula. Thay cant have cow goat or human formula. You should look into that oetsmart thing, they are doing that illigally. Good luck!

Companionship is a good idea. Not only will it make the piggy happier, he will see the other pig eat pellets, so he will try. Make sure to get the same sex, to avoid pregnancy, and one that is around the same size, to avoid fights. Good luck- keep me posted.