Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > pregnant momma!

pregnant momma!

21 14:29:47

First of all...I love your name.
anyways, My girly guinea pig is pregnant.
She is due like any minute now.
Shes going into her 10th week and i cannot wait.
i felt her and im pretty sure shes having 2-3 babies. My question is how long should I keep the babies for until i can give them away..and Do they need any special items, or will the momma take care of all the needs?

Dear Sarah,
I am not 100% sure but i believe that the mother will do it all.  THe piggies will eat the same dry food as the mother.  You need to make sure you have a nesting box that is quite large enough and is filled with soft hay or shredded paper(not newspaper).  I hope i helped and congratulations!
