Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > cages....


21 14:47:23

i am consitering getting a guinea pig and i was wondering
if i can get a ferret cage for a guinea pig? ive looked online
and in some pet stores and it seems lke the guinea pig
cages are super small. Im not plainning on having alot of
cavys but maybe 1 or two. i have been researching alot  of
cages and I found a few. well what do you think?


Most ferret cages will work. The most important thing is to make sure the bottom flooring is plastic and not wire. The wire can hurt their feet. Typically, if you can find a rabbit cage with a plastic tub for a bottom, that will work out the best. The only problem sometimes with ferret cages is all the tubes that they come with. 99% of the time, your pig will not climb those ramps, and having the tubing is dangerous. Good luck.