Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > My guinea pigs extremely sick.

My guinea pigs extremely sick.

21 14:46:12

I have three guinea pigs. One I just purchased 4 days ago. She's extremely small, and young. Today when I came home from work she was sitting in the corner of the cage curled up and wouldn't move. She has barely moved since. She won't eat or drink, and she has diarrhea so bad her whole bottom is wet. When I pick her up she feels extremely stiff and cold. What should I do?

HI Becci,
Your guinea pig is obviously too young to be taken away from her mother.
Take her to the vet IMMEDIETLY she could die within hours.
Get a vet as soon as possible!!
Untill then, keep her warm and try to make her eat, do not force her, but put food infront of her mouth.
Make sure the food is soft, she is young and wouldn't have strong teeth!