Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > baby guini pigs

baby guini pigs

21 14:06:02

What do you do if the mother guini pig wont let her baby drink her milk?

Sounds like she has rejected her baby!
first decide what your going to do???
Try hand rearing it or let nature take its course!
(you never know your mother guinea pig might allow it to drink in the end)
If your going to hand rear it, buy some evaporated milk or power milk and then feed it to how ever many babies you have.
*this gets easy with practice:
For the first couple of days feed using a teaspoon -put a tiny bit of milk on it and tip it so they can lap it up.
Once they get to two or three days old start feeding them with a tiny bottle.
(most pet shops sell them they are the same ones you use for a small puppy or kitten)
You need to make small hole in the tip of the teat with a needle, test it out on your finger.
You don't want the milk running too easily but when you pull the teat it should come out.
Piggies can take a few days to get used to drinking from  a bottle just keep trying until they get the hang of it!
Tip the bottle - don's squeeze too hard, it is better to let them suck so a. they don't choke, and b. it is how they would do it with their mother.
DO NOT Let them suck air - once the bottle is finished take it away immediately.
Clean the bottle THOROUGHLY with a bottle brush (which usually come with the bottle) and hot water.
Store safely for the next feed!
