Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > picking up my piggy

picking up my piggy

21 14:04:41

Hello, I just wanted to know how do I correctly pick up my pregnant piggy princess? She is currently 3 weeks and 3 days pregnant her abdomen muscles tightened and she's gaining weight. Thank You For Your Help!

Hi Tanisha (are you the same Tanisha who asked questions last week?)

The best way to pick her up will be to put one hand across her shoulders (from above) and one hand underneath her bottom (from below). This is generally the best way to catch any piggy - I know it's easier to pick them up either side of their stomach, but this will hurt your pregnant piggy and could even damage the babies.

In her last two weeks of pregnancy, only pick her up if you have to (ie: to clean out her cage). She'll be very uncomfortable and grumpy and won't enjoy cuddles. So just stroke her in her cage instead.

Any other questions ... just ask!
