Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Please help me I am a new owner

Please help me I am a new owner

21 14:04:41

Hey there Andy. I am a new owner of a guinea pig this is actually the first baby animal I've ever owned. And I am so scared I am going to mess up. So some of my questions are, Can it take cold air? Like an AC? Of course we keep an AC on almost all day and at night even higher in my room because it's so hot outside. My room stays between 60 and 70 degrees at night. Is this okay for him?

Another question, I have feed him a carrot. Is this okay to do?

And if you can give me any tips on how to make him loosen up around me, and his diet, what kind of foods should I feed him it'd be the biggest help in the world.


The AC is fine and the temperature you mention is also fine. The problem is always when there is quick extremes between hot and cold.

Carrots are loved by piggies, the more the better.

Take a look at the link below for a great site that will help generally.
