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My Grunty Pigs

21 14:05:35

Iv Recently Bought A Baby Male Guinea Pig In February As A Mate For My Older Male Piggy. They Took To Each Other Great And Have Been Getting On For Months Then Yesterday The Baby Pig Turned On My Older One And Has Injured Him So Iv Had To Split Them Up. I WAS Wondering If You Had Any Explanation For This And If You Knew Whether In Time I Could Put Them Back In The Same Cage Together Again?? Any Advice Would Be Appreciated. Many Thanks.


Sometimes as the younger male reaches sexual maturity, he decides that he wants to be boss pig. This sounds like this has happened here.

When blood is drawn it is very unlikely the two will get on again but as a last resort you could bath both pigs using antibacterial shampoo to hide their scent. That worked for me once.
