Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > biting diciplin

biting diciplin

21 14:11:20

QUESTION: I recently got a guinea pig one month ago and he started biting 2 weeks ago. I
was wondering how do I discipline him. I was thinking of using a spray bottle to
spray him when he bites me, but I wanted to get an experts opinion. What do you think?

ANSWER: Hi Christopher

Can you tell me, when he bites you does he draw blood or just nip you?


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: He bites when I stick my hand in the cage close to him or when I hold him by placing him on my right hand he tries to bite my palm. He does not draw blood, but it is not a nip. He will bite me and start tugging at my flesh. It hurts really bad but he has only gone all the way through my skin once. What do you think about diciplining him to teach him not to bit me all the time? Should I use a spray bottle to spray him when he bites me?

Hi Christopher

I am reluctant to recommend spraying your pig as this will generally make the matter worse.

Guinea pigs dont bite out of aggression so its unfair to punish them for biting. I think the problem might be that he is telling you he needs a wee so try putting him back in his hutch when he starts to nip and remove him again a few minutes later.

Let me know what happens and we will take it from there.


P.S Also carry him with 2 hands as he probably isnt very comfortable in 1.