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Introducing two male GPs

21 14:05:19


We adopted our first guinea pig two months ago (Cosmo), and two days ago we adopted another piggie (Orlando).  Both are young males.  We are keeping them separated for a "quarantine" period...but how long do you suggest we wait before introducing them?  We are getting a little concerned because Orlando seems exceptionally timid, he does not come out of his house and he has not eaten (that we can tell) since we brought him home.  Tonight they were both outside in large, separate cages next to each other. It was only when Cosmo came to the side of the cage and "whistled" that Orlando moved at all.  He did sample a blade of grass, but that was it.  My feeling is that the sooner we can introduce and house them together, the sooner Orlando will relax and learn that it is safe to be active again.  But I also don't want to rush the process....any thoughts or suggestions?
Thanks very, very much!

Well Debbie
its either a big yes or a big no depending on the manner of the males.
I would suggest putting them out on the floor for neutral territory first with some kind of wire fence between them.
I used to use an old fireguard. This way they can see amell and hear each other.
Try putting them in together without the fireguard but they must be supervised.
There will be a lot of mounting and "rubmle strutting" which is just their way of setting the pecking order.Try lavender oil diluted and put 2 drops on the rump of each boy as this could help disguise their smell.
Just a thought,make sure you do this when you are not on your monthlies as the hormonal smell might encourage them to fight - just a thought tho.
If however there are real fights you must seperate them straight away before serious injury occurs.
Try this about 4 times and if after that they are still scrapping they will need to be housed apart but allowed contact through the wire fence bit.