Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Mosquitoes


21 13:48:05

The mosquitoes are extra bad this year here in the midwest. My piggies LOVE to be outside!!. I'd love to be able to let them stay out all night (they are protected from predators) Can they get sick like dogs or other animals if bitten by mosquitoes?

Although my caviary is indoors I have open windows that would allow mosquitos in but have never had any issues with it. However I live on the west coast so we don't have the same humidity and mosquito problems that you do.

I asked a friend of mine who's also a cavy breeder/exhibitor and a vet. Here's what she had to say:

"The only mosquito borne animal diseases I can think of are heartworm and malaria.  As far as I know they don't affect cavies.  My concern with having hem out at night is how hot and humid midwest nights can be.  I'd be worried about my animals dropping from heat stroke."

I think I would be cautious about leaving them out all night long. There are predators we don't even consider that are masters at breaking into coops of all kinds. I have a friend who lost several of her pigs that were housed outside in what she thought was a secured coop on the ground. The perpetrator was a skunk. Raccoons are also able to cause unmeasurable damage to an outside cage as well.

The devices and sprays that humans use to discourage insect bites are not to be used on guinea pigs. The electric devices that let off a sound wave are harmful to the pigs as well, so that doesn't give you any option of protecting them that way.

I don't know if you're in a rural area where these kinds of wildlife live but I think just for safety sake you ought to leave the 'children' in at night.   

Thank you for the interesting question. I'm sure this probably affects a lot of people.