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Caging two adult male guinea pigs

21 14:28:30

I have two adult male piggies and I was thinking of buying cubes and coroplast to make a large C&C cage for both of them to share. Both guinea pigs fight. Their fights anly last about a minute and they don't hurt eachother. I hate to see them cornering and and chattering at one another. When I was letting them have outdoor time in my backyard, they both ate grass side by side and they followed eachother around! They are alot like brothers. What if they don't get along in their new cage even if they have enough space to get away from eachother? I don't want to come home from school and see one of my guinea pigs lying on his side! Why do you think they fight then start acting friendly?  

Hi Nastasia,

Sorry for taking so long to reply to you. I have had a number of increasingly problematic issues with my internet as well as being a "live-in nanny" to newborn twins so I have had problems answering many, many questions. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Building a C&C cage is a fantastic step in the right direction. Well done for realising the greatness of these cages!
One of the huge benefits of C&C cages is that, if your piggies don't get along, you can just pop a couple of grids down the middle of the cage and you have a safe, spacious zone for each pig. They can see each other and itneract, but not do each other any damage. A quick an easy solution you can plan ahead for.

Remember that rumblestrutting, chasing, nose-offs, nipping and mounting are all normal dominance behaviours. I would only worry if they really attack each other to the point of ball-of-fur fights and drawing blood, or if the teeth chattering got severe and persistant.

Best Wishes,

- Laura