Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > itchy piggies...

itchy piggies...

21 14:39:04

I have nine unwanted guinea pigs that I have recieved from various sources. They have all become my babies and I am afraid to give them to anyone in fear of neglect (some of my pigs have also been abused).  but now I am seeing that on half of my boy pigs they are chewing off patches of fur on their back.  From past experiences, I know that it is not ringworm.  They have dry flaky skin (almost like dandruff) and I have bathed them to break up the debris.  But they still seem a little itchy.  It is only on their backs and they are creating bald patches (no scabs it is awfully clean and shiny)Maybe Mange, but I haven't seen it this mild,( it is very small thinning or balding on the back) and some of my boy pigs are balding without having any contact with other balding pigs.  Maybe bedding?  I have to use Pine now because it is awfully expensive to house nine pigs with carefresh.  Any ideas?  

Ally -

You say they are chewing each other?  That is probably the problem.  I have spoken with some friends of mine and if you think they are chewing it may be from boredom.  Do they have other things to chew on?  For example, guinea pigs love cardboard - you might try passing along some "raw" (uncolored cardboard) to help alleviate the boredom.  

Now, if they are balding without having any contact with other pigs, it may be something more serious, such as mites, and I would probably have it checked out by a vet (since I am not there to see them in person.)  There are several other, more serious conditions that cause hair loss as well, so I would definitely see that vet and have them checked out if you don't think its from chewing.

Hope this is helpful.  If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me again.  Good luck!
