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unexplained weight loss

21 14:07:42

Hi Jennny, I have a 3 1/2 yr old male piggie (Gringo) who has had prolonged gradual weight loss over several months as far back as summer 2007. His weight before then was around 2 lbs 12 oz but had gradually gone down to about 2lbs 2 oz. He has put a bit if weight back on during this time as I gove him critical care syringe feed, but it seems the weight is decreasing once again.

He has seen Vedra a Rodentologist from CCT (cavy care trust) and teeth have been trimmed,
he's being regularly wormed.

being sucsessfully treatmed for mite infestation,
been treated for possible oral thrush supplemeted with dida,
blood test taken showing kidney and liver function good but high levels amylase. The rodentologist recently said this is quite common in pigs.

At one stange cushings syndrome was mentioned but as it would be two bloodtests to diagnose plus difficulty in getting correct dosage in medication this idea was dropped by vet, but he is having laurobolin injections for cushings just incase.

As you can see I cant find the root to the problem. He seems quite ok in himself, healthy coat, bright eyes , appetite is a little less and has become a little fussy possibly due to critical care feeding but we dot want to stop this as we are afraid of the weight loss getting worse. He needs to be encouraged to eat sometimes and I think this is also to do with being hand fed so much.

so what Im asking is have you any experience or advice that might be helpful as so fa other guinea pig experts have no idea why the weight loss is occuring (CCT) and have been told that guineas of middle age can lose a bit of weight but he has gradually had continual weight loss that has amounted to around 10 oz.

Im very concerned about him and want to do my utmost best to get him healthy.
I would really apreaciate any advice you have for me?
Thanks for your help and sorry for the long question!

Hi Tez,

The only thing I can think of is a stomach blockage or other gastro problem; but Gringo would have lost weight very rapidly and probably would have died within a few days if he was suffering from this sort of illness.

Try finding a local small animal or exotic pet vet, or consulting Peter Gurney's health web-pages. I would have thought the CCT could help you, and I'm sorry I don't really have any information of use. Also try Laura, one of the other experts as she's a vetinary nurse and may have seen a similar case.

Keep trying and I hope you solve the mystery soon!

Best wishes to you and your piggy.
