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guinea pig fall

21 13:45:14

my boyfriend was getting the guinea pig out of his cage and the guinea pig got loose from his grasp. He ran across the cage and and fell onto the floor. My boyfriend said that he was on his side running in place then after that he was acting weird. He seems to be moving around a little more than he was when it first happened. He doesn't seem to want to eat anything, I gave him a blade of grass, he kinda munched on that... I'm just worried, what should I do?

Guinea pigs remarkably seem to recover from these things. I'm sure he was stunned for a minute or two and that's why he stayed on his side kicking, he was trying to recover and run from the danger. Give him some time to rest undisturbed. At this point there's not really anything you can do other than check his front teeth to make sure he didn't break them.

If he did break a front tooth they can be easily clipped with a pair of toenail clippers to make sure they're even. They grow extremely fast and they will grow back again.

I have a feeling he will be okay but he needs some time to recuperate. Obviously boyfriend now realizes that he's got to have a really good safe hand on the little guy next time.