Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > scaley spot and pregnant(?)

scaley spot and pregnant(?)

21 14:30:02

We purchased 2 gp from a pet store. They were fairly young 2-3 mos old. It is hard to determine the sex of both (pet store said they were males and had their own cage apart from rest of population). One week later, tan one developed a scaley/scabby spot on one cheek. Took to vet and was given cream for ring worm. Not a noticable improvement but not spreading. Other gp has no skin probs. GP (Stryker)with skin prob is also chunkier than other and seems to be drinking alot of water. Both gps seem in good spirits- active, eating, rumbling about each other at times, seem good natured when held. Also, vet could not tell me if he was indeed a boy or not. I have also looked at all the sexing info on the web and I am still not sure either. So, what do you think? Could spot be mites? He (she?) does not seem overly itchy. Also, will guinea pigs "purr" when stroked? Oreo sometimes does. Is this an indicator of liking attention or telling us he does not (this is the non chunky one with no skin probs).  I feel so ignorant and I have been combing the web for info. Pet stores are no help. I should have gone with my gut and adopted a rescue one that was nuetered already but hubby wanted "young" ones. AAAAH!!!

Hi Sue

First things first, I would tell you never to use that vet again for guinea pigs! A vet that cant tell if their patient is male or female????? That is truly amazing.

Sexing piggies is really easy. Gently press the lower tummy and if it is a male, a penis will pop out.

My best advice is to use a vet with specific knowledge of exotic pets, of which piggies are one. The scab might be ringworm, or fungal infection, parasitical infection or mites so you really need it looking at by someone who knows what they are doing.

Purring in piggies can be just the same as in cats. It is generally a sign of contentment. Oreo is obviously a very happy pig.

I hope that helps, but if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to write back.
