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Guinea pig/constipation

21 14:39:51

Hi - I have a 5-year-old guinea pig. For the past three months, he's been having trouble going to the bathroom. He seems to be constipated and his poop gets stuck in his rectum. Honest to God - sometimes they are the size of golf balls. I've had him to the vet twice and he told me to give him more romaine lettuce and a little bit of orange, but it doesn't seem to be working. The poor little guy struggles so hard to go to the bathroom and we sometimes have to help him get it out. His normal diet is timothy hay, pellets, romaine lettuce and baby carrots.  

Alison -

What you seem to be describing is actually an impacted rectum.  Does the large block of feces get stuck on the outside of the rectum?  Does it have an offensive odor?  If so, that is probably what you are looking at.  It is common in older boars.  Unfortunately, once it has happened, it will continue to happen over and over again.  What you need to do in this case is swab it with mineral oil to soften the blockage and then gently remove it (while wearing a latex glove, of course).  Extra fiber and vitamin c may help alleviate the problem a little, but it will still happen again.

If the problem is an internal problem, them you are probably doing the right thing by taking your animal to the vet.  There is not a whole lot you can do to solve this problem beyond what the vet has already advised.

Hope this is helpful.  If you have any more questions, please feel free to contact me again.  Good luck!
