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My 2-guinea pigs

21 14:19:28

I have two adorable guinea pigs name Bongo and Chibi.
I had Bongo about 5-months already and I had  Chibi for about 2-months. Sometimes, it seems like they don't really get along together for some reason. My older guinea pig Bongo sometimes make these strange noises(i cant really
describe it though) They have a large igloo house, but theres always one sleeping outside of it. And, today I just figured out that Bongo has been making strange noises(again) I think it sounds like he is sniffing something, but then my sister says that it seems like he is having trouble breathing? I'm really worried for him and I don't know quite what to do...

Thank You!

Sometimes male piggies make sounds to show dominence, and all the other actions they are doing ar normal. I belive this is what it is. But if the pig has eye or nose discharge, not eating/drinking, or becomes inactive, the vet is necessary. URI are common in piggies. (Upper Respritory Infections). They are fatal and need antibiotics. Good luck!