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gunea pigs

21 13:51:55

hi, i have a few questions for you reg my three pigs Barney, Alfie and Oscar i have only had them a week and a harf and am getting very fond off them, i have bought a hutch from a local pet shop but im worried its not big enough for them its 4ft with two floors and a run i have put extra locks on for safety, to my horror i came home from work to find next-doors cats sitting on top of it should i put extra wire mech on to keep cats paws from taking a swipe?? also is three a good number as one always gets left out (oscar). the weather has been really wet the last few days so i have bought them inside over night, because of the temp drop is this going to mess up the immune system i heard if i keep moving them around its not good for them.very confused guinea pig lover from Birmingham uk (aka dave)

your cage is definitely big enough, extra wire mesh would be useful if the cats can fit their paws through the gaps in the wire mesh or for extra protection but if the cage is secure enough already then don't worry. Three is an ok number because they will always all talk to eachother but make sure they all get enough food and water. Although make sure they don't begin to fight. If the weather is really bad like a thunderstorm or lightening then I would suggest bringing them in otherwise you can leave them out for a bit of rain but make protective sheeting on the hutch. You can buy one or make one. To make one get a large piece of plastic sheeting that would drop over the front of the house. Staple it to the top back of the cage and then let it drop over. Once it has reached the floor attach a long piece of wood to the end so it stays in that position. Make sure some air can still reach the guineas as you don't want them suffocating in there. Also if you don't take them in when it is cold make sure they are bedded  up with lots of hay. You could buy a shed for them to live in in the winter and then bring them out for the summer.
I hope this helps and sorry I took so long to reply