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My Guninea Pig Had Babies

21 14:40:01

Followup To -
Thank you so very much for being there for people like me that are new Guinea pig owners. I have a few more questions for you. How soon can I handle the baby and when can I see what sex it is? My guineas act like they don't want to be picked up or bothered. I just thought maybe they didn't get much interaction at the pet store. So what can I do to get them to trust me and let me interact with them? Is there a good site I could go to? Again thank you very much.

Question -
I have two female guinea pigs which I got on Nov.29 from a nearby pet store. Not until about two weeks ago did I notice that one was pregnant. She gave birth last night but I wasn't there to witness it. This morning when I went to tend to my guinea's I saw one baby guinea. I was excited thinking that I would be able to see her give birth to one more thinking she would only have two. This was her first pregnancy. I was cleaning some of the wet bedding out and found that she had three babies but two were under the bedding dead. Is this normal to lose two out of three on her first birth? I wish I were there and could have done something to help her and the babies that died. Please let me know something.

Answer -
It is common to loose babies no matter if it is a first delivery or second and etc.  Sometimes there is nothing we can do to prevent it and guineas often deliver at night when all is quiet and noone is around.  They feel much safer this way.  You can rest well knowing that there was probably nothing you could have done.  I would however suggest removing the baby as soon as you find out if it is a boy or girl.  If its a boy you don't want it to breed to mom and if it is a girl, it will be fine to keep with mom.  

You should be able to handle your guinea pig now.  The more attention they get, the tamer they will be.  It just takes time, patients and a lot of attention.  :)  Once your cavy starts getting a little size to him/her you will be able to tell what sex it is.  It is possible that you might be able to now.  Do you know how to tell the sex of a cavy?  If so, you can go ahead and try to tell on the baby.