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Piggie help

21 14:12:41

I dont know how to put two guinea pigs in the same cage after they were seperated for awhile.


I am so so sorry for just now getting back to you with a reply, work has had me doing over time.

You'll want to take it slow as they have been separated for a time. Here is the best and easiest way that I know how to reintroduce Guinea Pigs.

Get a large bath towel or two.

Put the towels on the couch (neutral, unfamiliar territory).
Spread them out over the middle of the couch.

Each person holding a pig, sits at opposite ends of the couch. Make sure the towels are between you and there is a good amount of space (it helps to have a big couch!). Floor works, too. No other distractions.

Let the pigs find each other on their own time.
You may need to nudge them in the right direction. Have another towel handy to toss on the pigs if you need to separate them.

Let the games begin!
More often than not, pet owners want to break up guinea pigs exhibiting normal dominant behavior. Everyone looks worried and asks, "Is that normal?" And be prepared to answer the question, "Mommy, what are they doing?"

How long and what next?
Usually, the first 15 minutes is just getting acclimated to the new surroundings and the idea that there is another guinea pig there. It's the next 15 to 30 minutes that can get interesting. The nice thing about being on the couch is it makes it easy for them to run to you when they get uncomfortable. But, keep your interactions and interference to an absolute minimum.

Some guinea pigs will get along just great. Some will decide on peaceful co-existence right from the beginning. Some will act like long lost buddies or lovers! But, most will go through the standard dominance dance getting to know each other and trying to figure out who is going to be the boss of who. They must and will decide this. It may not be now, but it will get decided.

Keep putting them together in a neutral place with you watching them for a week or so then try introducing them back into the same cage. Just make sure the cage is neutral to do this you'll want to clean the cage out and then spray to out with half white vineger and half water. That way it is completely clean and neutral.

I hope this helps, Good luck to you,
          Take care now,