Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > Did this hurt my relation ship?

Did this hurt my relation ship?

21 14:06:32

Dear Jenny,
Today I picked up my 1 day old guinea pig and now shes hiding from me. Will this stay like this for ever or is it because their scared and babies  thanks Ben

Hi Ben,

Presumably the baby is living with her mother with you?

Try to avoid touching babies until they are 48 hours old. Otherwise there's a risk their mother will reject them if they smell like you. Guinea pigs are skittish by nature, and a young baby will be very scared of you. When you get her out for the first time, hold her Mum in your lap too. As she gets older, she'll learn that you're a friend, not an enemy.

Good luck and if you have any other questions, just ask.
