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pigster problems

21 14:33:50

Hello, I have read a couple of piggy magazenes and care books to find that some sell piggy run around balls and some strictly say not to use them. so in conclusion I really don't know if I can use them for my piggy for excercise. I use my excercise ball as a piggy hideout. Is it bad for them or good? can I use it as an excercise ball?
I also had a couple of questions about what household items may be used for piggy play and what toys may influence them to play more and not hide so much while we excercise them. what would you suggest? Oh! and what toys for my pigs would you stay away from andor suggest? and also, would grapes hurt my little piggys' stomach?

                      thanks much,
                      matthew stross (or matt)

Hi Matt

Excersize balls will not harm piggies in any way, but basically, I doubt if they will enjoy it. Balls are usually used for rodents and piggies are not rodents and are simply more intelligent.

Guinea pigs love to hid in and under things which is why they hide so much when you have them out. Anything that they can hide in or run through such as tubes or anything they can chew or gnaw on they will love. I cant really think of any toys that you shouldnt give.

Grapes are fine in small doses, I am sure you pets will love them. Remember to give seedless grapes though!
