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Bedding & diet

21 14:42:00

Hi I feed my guinea pigs kaytee forti diet and hagen guinea pig food along with alfalfa hay(they are still growing) and carrot chunks & romane lettuce daily is this a good diet?

I use yesterdays news fresh scent softer texture cat litter as bedding, I am trying out some carefresh bedding now, I change there cages twice weekly does this sound good?

You need to also give your growing pig Timothy Hay along with the Alfalfa hay. Try to stick to one cavy food, Kaytee is better than Hagen as long as it doesn't have nuts and seeds. They also need more vegetables in their diet. They should get 1 cup a day, at least. Romaine Lettuce, Red Leaf Lettuce, Green Leaf Lettuce, Bell Peppers, Endive, Escarole, Parsley, Cilantro, and Grass are full of vitamin C.

The bedding is fine, also make sure your cage is big enough.