Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Guinea Pigs > guinea pig activity

guinea pig activity

21 14:47:16

Good evening.  Our guinea pig has been acting very strange in the last few days.  In his cage, plastic base surrounded by wire mesh, 3'x 2', we have placed a plastic igloo for his periodic privacy needs.  In the last few days he has been sitting on top of this igloo almost all the time, rather than running around on the floor of the cage among his bedding.  Any ideas about what could be causing this?  There has been no change in his bedding, food or water,  nor has there been any change in the routine of our household.  Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.  Thank you.


Hi Ken,
some guinea pigs like having perches to sit on. Probably he can see out better from his place on the igloo and is curious enough to want to know whats going on and be part of it. I have a pig who spends most of his time sitting on the balcony/loft thing in their cage, just looking at his surroundings. I doubt its anything you need to worry about. :)
